Le Murate is a cultural district of the City of Florence specifically dedicated to contemporary practices. Le Murate. Progetti Arte Contemporanea is a center for research, artistic production and international exchange, housed in restored spaces of the former city jail. On behalf of the Culture Department of the City of Florence, in March, 2014 it began to host exhibitions, meetings, critical studies, performances, workshops and public art projects centered on themes and practices of contemporary art. Projects are selected and produced based on the interdisciplinary slant of the space, while working to actively engage citizens. Since its opening, Le Murate. Progetti Arte Contemporanea focused its activities on the production of works and performances, through the selection of national and international artists asked to participate in periods of research dedicated to specific projects, with special attention for the social and historical significance of the context, the environmental awareness and the participatory practices. In the past years, a research group focusing on the theme of cultural and social reuse of the banks on the Arno river, involving artists, architects and designers sensitive to environmental issue and relational practice was created: the RIVA project, curated by Valentina Gensini and managed by Le Murate. Progetti Arte Contemporanea is an inter-disciplinary and inclusive platform dedicated to research and experimentation. Within the RIVA project, in 2016, on the 50th Anniversary of the big flood of the Arno River in Florence, Le Murate. Progetti Arte Contemporanea is promoting the project REPlace_Residencies for Education and Production, with the support of Regione Toscana, in partnership with Tempo Reale Association and Studio Marangoni Foundation, dedicated to artists’ residencies as educational opportunities for young artists and new productions, connected to the reuse and revival of the river Arno, generating a cultural district in the city and regional center. GOALS In line with the objectives of Le Murate. Progetti Arte Contemporanea, the Associazione MUS.E in collaboration with the Culture Department of the City of Florence and with the support of the Regione Toscana within the regional project “Cantiere Toscana Contemporanea “, undertakes to allocate the all inclusive contribution of € 6,000, a studio to work and 35 nights in the RFKennedy Foundation Guest House to: a) an artist under 35, submitting an original project and a temporary exhibition; b) an artist over 35, submitting an original project, targeting and involving young artists or art students based in Tuscany, in workshops or new production, with public results. Applicants must submit a specific project (installations, exhibition, performative, video, artist talk, workshop, conference, work of public art or associated to the territory) relating to the themes raised by the 50th Anniversary of the big flood in Florence, to be developed during the artist’s residency and to be implemented by the end of 2016. Download application form
8 September 2016